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OKLAHOMA CITY – Today marks a sad anniversary for us here at KFOR.

One year ago today, we lost our friend and colleague, Bob Barry, Jr.

Bobby was killed while riding his motor scooter on Father’s Day weekend.

An unlicensed driver made an illegal u-turn, causing the deadly collision.

Bobby left behind his beautiful wife Gina, four amazing children and an untold number of fans across the state.

Lance West recently sat down with Gina to reminisce about Bobby.

Gina was quick to offer gratitude to everyone who has pulled her through an excruciating season of life.

“It has been a year and I still have people showing up or a nice text or card or people inviting me to dinner, checking up on me,” Gina said. “I don’t know how anyone could survive something like this without that. That is truly how I’m still surviving. It’s just the people.”

Join us at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. for a special tribute to our friend and colleague, Bob Barry, Jr.