KFOR.com Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City giving away hundreds of storm shelters to qualified residents

OKLAHOMA CITY – Residents across Oklahoma City will have a chance to make their homes a little safer.

The City of Oklahoma City announced that it is giving away 235 storm shelters to qualified Oklahoma City homeowners.

“This program is a blessing to homeowners who want an in-ground or above ground shelter but found the cost to be out of reach,” said Bob Dailey, the program’s coordinator. “A storm shelter is a family’s best defense against a tornado.”

To qualify for the program, a single person may earn up to $34,400.

A family of two can earn up to $39,300, while a family of three can earn up to $44,200.

A family of four can earn up to $49,100, a family of five can earn up to $53,050 and a family of six can earn up to $57,000.

The storm shelters will be available on a first come, first served basis to residents who were affected in some way by the May 19, May 20 or May 31 storms in 2013.

Damage as insignificant as downed branches qualifies for the program.

Applicants must own and live in the home to qualify.

Rental property is not eligible for a shelter.

To see if you qualify, log on to the city’s website or call (405) 297-2846.