KFOR.com Oklahoma City

Oklahoma branch of the NAACP organizing statewide ‘Journey for Justice’ march

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma branch of the NAACP is organizing a statewide Journey for Justice march this weekend.

“We can keep fighting for Michael, and for all the victims of police brutality and racial profiling,” the Oklahoma branch of the NAACP said in a statement.

The march is scheduled for Saturday, November 29 at 1:00 p.m.

It will start on the corner of NE 23rd street and Martin Luther King Dr. and end at the Governor’s Mansion in Oklahoma City.

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On Friday, December 5, the Oklahoma chapter of the NAACP will also hold a rally at the State Capitol.

This march and rally come after a grand jury’s decision not to indict Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown.

Earlier this year, Brown was shot to death following an encounter with Wilson.

The death sparked outrage in the community, which resulted in riots and looting.

Once the grand jury’s decision was announced, rioters and protesters flocked to the streets.

Several businesses have been damaged or destroyed and many protesters have been arrested.

The Oklahoma chapter of the NAACP says the march and rally are not only for Michael Brown, but for Oklahomans as well.

Their statement read in part:

The Oklahoma State Conference, NAACP is deeply disappointed that the grand jury did not indict Darren Wilson for the senseless and tragic death of Michael Brown.  While we are frustrated, we stand committed to continue our fight against racial profiling, police brutality, and the militarization of local authorities.  And we stand in solidarity with peaceful protesters and uphold that their civil rights not be violated as both demonstrators and authorities observe the “rules of engagement.”  We will remain steadfast in our fight to pass the End Racial Profiling legislation. 

Our prayers continue to go out to the family, friends and neighbors of 18-year-old Michael Brown.  The senseless death of yet another African-American at the hands of those sworn to protect and serve the community where he lived is heartbreaking.

We are calling on the community to act collectively and calmly until we secure justice for the family of Michael Brown; African-American women and other women who have been abused or sexually assaulted by police; Mr. Jeremy Lake; Mr. Luis Rodriguez; Mr. Daniel Martin; Mr. Dane Scott; Mr. Pearl Pearson; Mr. Demetrius Johnson; Mr. Robin Howard; Mr. Michael C. Iwuchukwu. As we witness these killings by law enforcement officers in other states, we must also continue to call for justice in the State of Oklahoma concerning the killing and racial profiling of our citizens by these officers.


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