OKLAHOMA CITY — An Oklahoma City woman says she’s being forced to park blocks away from her house because code enforcement states her driveway is too short.
“I have lived at my house for ten years and never even had a warning,” said Rebecca Loveless.
But on Saturday she got a $100 citation for parking in her front yard. She said the officer told her she could only park on the concrete slab next to her home, which isn’t long enough to fit more than one vehicle.
“If I had $4,000 I’d be happy to go and fix my driveway, but I don’t,” Loveless says.
Since there’s only a few inches between her yard and the street, Loveless said she only has two options: Leave her truck a few blocks away or park it at a neighbor’s house.
“The closest place is Tinker and that’s almost two blocks away. What if it gets vandalized? Is the city going to pay for it? I don’t think they would,” said Loveless.
While NewsChannel 4 was at the home on S.E. 44th, we noticed other homeowners were parked in their yards too. We took her concerns to code enforcement.
“The city code says that you are required to park on a hard surface, an approved driveway unless you’ve never had one,” said Charles Locke, Oklahoma City Code Enforcement Superintendent.
He said parking in the front yard can be a fire hazard and the weight can damage water and sewage lines often running underneath.
“We have received complaints from neighbors on this property in the past,” said Locke.
He was able to clarify the code, which gives Loveless more room, meaning she could park perpendicular to the street in the makeshift driveway, but not anywhere else.